Stay informed and inspired in the evolving world of artificial intelligence and related IT areas, guided by our experts.

Blog posts

Machine learning

Strategic Data Acquisition – the first step to use the potential of AI

Would you like to make your organisation an AI-based company? Read about the first step you need to take – implementing Strategic Data Acquisition.

Working in IT

Code review – learn from experienced programmers in IT projects

Code review is a cooperation model often used in IT companies. Read how it works and what are its advantages!

Professional development

T-shaped employees – how can they transform a company?

Hiring T-shaped employees is a relatively new 'trend' that influences the employability. Read what are the benefits of T-shaped employees in a company.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence – our means of work at WEBSENSA

Artificial Intelligence is a technology that gives us more and more opportunities. Read about how we use AI & neural networks for various use cases.

Advertising technology

Artificial intelligence in marketing strategy  –  5 usage examples

You don't need to have an extensive business to gain the benefits arising from incorporating AI into your marketing strategy. Read, how to do it!

Artificial intelligence

Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat for Us?

Why artificial intelligence makes people stressed or even scared? We discuss a few reasons why people feel uneasy about the whole concept of AI.

Artificial intelligence

How will AI change our everyday lives by 2022?

Artificial intelligence has already changed our everyday lives so much. In this article we look at some major changes we might expect to happen by 2022.

Professional development

Remote work – how to stay effective? Check these 10 tips

Do you work remotely? Do you have difficulties adapting to this change? Check out these 10 tips to stay effective during remote work.

Professional development

10 the Most Creative Jobs in 21st Century

What professions are currently considered the most creative? In this article, we present those that gained popularity in the 21st century.

Working in IT

Effective Office Layout vs. employees' productivity and well-being

Researchs shows there is a positive correlation between office layout and engagement. Effective office and desk space can improve employees' productivity.

Professional development

How to find your dream job? Follow these 8 steps

Almost 90% of people are unhappy with their job. How to end up in the lucky 10%? These 10 steps can help you to get your dream job!

Dive into specific topic

Generative AI


Explore the dynamically changing world of Generative AI and its growing impact across different sectors.

Artificial intelligence


Read about the impact, ethics, and innovative applications of artificial intelligence in various sectors.