Film & Media Production

AI-driven tools for simplifying film analysis and unlocking data insights in media production

Film & Media Production

We revolutionise industries with GenAI & Deep Learning

We're changing the game in news and media production. Our AI tools make it easier and faster to handle any media content. From analysing films to managing archives, we bring innovation right to your fingertips.

Organising Diverse Content

Accessing Large Archives

Boosting Content Discovery

Discover industry-tailored solutions

AI-driven tools for simplifying film analysis and unlocking data insights in media production

Film & Media Production

Industry Challenges & Our Solutions


Organising Diverse Content

Solution: Media Indexing Engine

Handling a wide range of media, from raw footage to final edits, poses significant organisational challenges. Our Media Indexing Engine uses deep learning to systematically categorise, index, and tag content. This improves searchability and management, ensuring all media is readily accessible and well-organised for future use.


Accessing Large Archives

Solution: Media Search Engine

Sifting through vast archives for specific content is often slow and cumbersome. Our Media Search Engine combined with an AI-driven platform enables swift, accurate searches across extensive databases. It identifies various elements in both colour and monochrome media, like characters and dialogues, simplifying content discovery and saving time.


Boosting Content Discovery

Solution: Integrated Media Platform

Timely access to relevant content is vital for fostering creativity and efficiency in film and media production. Integrating our Media Search and Indexing Engines, we provide a holistic solution that elevates content discoverability. This synergy ensures all indexed media is easily searchable, aiding the creative process with quick access to data.

Film & Media Production

Direct benefits for your company

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Recognition Accuracy

Advanced AI ensures media elements detection

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Versatile Analysis

Processing both modern and vintage footage

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Enhanced Search

Implementing smart tools for easy media navigation

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Higher Engagement

Improving user experience by content relevance

See dedicated products


Frequently asked questions

How does your AI-driven solution streamline searching in vast media archives?

Our AI-powered system efficiently delves into your media archives, recognising specific scenes, actors, locations, and even emotions from films spanning decades. Whether it's a snippet from yesteryears or a recent clip, our solution ensures quick and precise retrieval, saving you valuable time.

Can your software process both black-and-white and coloured films?

Absolutely. One of the unique strengths of our software is its ability to process and analyse both contemporary colour films and age-old black-and-white footage with equal precision. This makes it especially useful for organisations with rich, historical archives.

How adaptable are your solutions to the evolving needs of the film and media industry?

We've built our solutions with the future in mind. Understanding the dynamic nature of the film and media industry, our systems are designed for scalability and adaptability, ensuring they remain relevant and efficient as your needs evolve and as technological advancements occur.

Film & Media Production

Dedicated products


Semantic Search Engine

Semantic Search Engine is a tool that goes beyond traditional keyword-based search. By using NLP to understand the intent behind users' queries it delivers more relevant and accurate results.


Media Search Engine

Media Search Engine is an AI-powered software, revolutionising data analysis in audiovisual materials. Through precise recognition of elements in media, it provides in-depth insights into video and audio content.


Media Indexing Engine

Media Indexing Engine is an AI tool designed to efficiently organise and categorise media content. It improves content management in news agencies, media libraries, and film, television and radio production.


Data Management Platform

Data Management Platform expands and facilitates the use of data and knowledge about users. It provides precise user segmentation and content customisation, enabling better targeting and higher engagement.

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