Advertising technology

Examine the latest developments in advertising technology, focusing on data-driven marketing and industry challenges.

Blog posts

Advertising technology

Top 10 e-commerce trends to be aware of in 2021

Online sales are projected to reach $4.5 trillion in 2021. We present 10 trends in the e-commerce industry you should know and consider to implement!

Advertising technology

SEO – how to improve your site’s ranking?

Without SEO, your webpage may never be found by users. SEO requirements constantly change, and this article will help you stay updated with the latest trends!

Advertising technology

Artificial intelligence in marketing strategy  –  5 usage examples

You don't need to have an extensive business to gain the benefits arising from incorporating AI into your marketing strategy. Read, how to do it!

Other topics

Generative AI


Explore the dynamically changing world of Generative AI and its growing impact across different sectors.

Artificial intelligence


Read about the impact, ethics, and innovative applications of artificial intelligence in various sectors.