Professional development

Advance your career skills with our insights and analyses on professional development in the IT industry.

Blog posts

Professional development

How to learn quickly? Use good practices of super learners!

Quick learning helps not only in studying for the exam. Read about learning techniques that will improve your intelligence and productivity at work and in life.

Professional development

How to be a good leader during the crisis? Discover 5 key tips

Differences between good and bad leaders are easier to observe in challenging times. Work leaders faced a unique challenge due to the COVID-19.

Professional development

T-shaped employees – how can they transform a company?

Hiring T-shaped employees is a relatively new 'trend' that influences the employability. Read what are the benefits of T-shaped employees in a company.

Professional development

Remote work – how to stay effective? Check these 10 tips

Do you work remotely? Do you have difficulties adapting to this change? Check out these 10 tips to stay effective during remote work.

Professional development

10 the Most Creative Jobs in 21st Century

What professions are currently considered the most creative? In this article, we present those that gained popularity in the 21st century.

Professional development

How to find your dream job? Follow these 8 steps

Almost 90% of people are unhappy with their job. How to end up in the lucky 10%? These 10 steps can help you to get your dream job!

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