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Blog posts

Artificial intelligence

The Great AI Takeover? Let's verify 2020's bold predictions

Public and private investment in AI is rising globally. In 2020, we outlined AI initiatives for 2022. Today, we revisit these predictions and advancements.

Generative AI

Revolutionise Knowledge Management in Your Company with AI

Discover how AI-driven solutions can transform your company's resource and knowledge management. Read our blog post!

Generative AI

11 Areas Transformed thanks to Generative AI

Discover how the breakthrough in generative AI is revolutionising industries and daily life. Read this blog post for more insights!

Generative AI

How Generative AI Democratises Access to Knowledge?

The development of Generative AI has made artificial intelligence accessible to anyone. Read about GenAI democratisation and its impact on access to knowledge.

Generative AI

Generative AI in 2024 – Prepare Your Company for This Revolution

2024 will see mass implementation of Generative AI across industries. Read how to prepare your business and harness the potential of GenAI.

Generative AI

13 Breakthrough Events in Generative AI in 2023

2023 was a year of many breakthroughs in generative artificial intelligence. Discover 13 of the most significant ones, according to us.

Generative AI

ChatGPT, Bard, Bing or Claude – which AI chatbot is the best?

Tech giants are racing to create the best AI chatbot. Competing for this title are: ChatGPT, Bard, Bing and Claude. Read the comparison of these 4 tools.

Generative AI

Generative AI for Anyone – Discover 5 Key Areas of Application

Generative AI not only automates routine tasks but also fascinates with its ability to create text, music, and art. Discover 5 ways anyone can use GenAI!

Generative AI

ChatGPT and Generative AI – why NOW is the time to understand them?

Generative AI and tools like ChatGPT are evolving at a surprising pace. Now is the time to understand them. Read about their potential in this article.

Artificial intelligence

Ethical AI – balancing innovation and responsibility in IT

Diving into ethical AI and its impact on industries, this article explores the balance between technology's potential and its moral responsibilities.

Digital publishing

Publishing Industry Trends You Need to Know in 2023

Pioneering publishing industry trends: constructive journalism, digital content, and artificial intelligence. Read about them in this article.

Digital publishing

How to find trending topics? Tools for journalists and editors

AI tools are revolutionising modern journalism, providing newsrooms with information on trending topics. Read the article to learn more.

Dive into specific topic

Generative AI


Explore the dynamically changing world of Generative AI and its growing impact across different sectors.

Artificial intelligence


Read about the impact, ethics, and innovative applications of artificial intelligence in various sectors.